Oct 14th at 10 am

Presentation with Question and Answer Time

Presented by

Join us on
March 19th
At 1 PM

John Wheeler
The Mycolodge
Will be here to talk with us all about

Why not join us on Wednesday, March 11th at 10:30


I am pleased to announce that the Claire Teague Senior Center is now a RSVP Station.    Retired Senior Volunteer Program ( RSVP) has many volunteer opportunities available. Volunteer Coordinator, Diane Monterosso will be on site in the lobby of the senior center  on Wednesday, March 11th at 10:30.

I am especially excited about the possibility of having a broader base of  volunteer drivers to meet the  transportation needs of our seniors.  There are many different opportunities available and Diane will discuss all of them and the benefits. For direct questions about RSVP;  please call RSVP at (413) 499-9345.

RSVP is a national organization funded in part by the Corporation for National & Community Service (Senior Corps) and is sponsored locally by the City of Pittsfield.

RSVP has chapters in every county of our country, with over a half million volunteers. If you’d like to learn more about RSVP….


We’re sorry for any inconvenience but this event has been cancelled.

Please join us on March 17th, Tuesday

At 10:30 AM

If you live with a disability, the Massachusetts Equipment  Distribution Program (Mass EDP) may be able to provide you with a specialized telephone network. Depending on your income level, these telephones may be offered for free or at reduced cost.
Mass EDP only provides home telephones with land line service.